California Native Plant Link Exchange
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Criteria:   found in Mendocino County  •   is not native  •  group by lifeform
741  records include photos for these plants # number of sources
Scientific Name Common Name Lifeform #
  Lifeform: Annual355 plants
  Lifeform: Biennial2 plants
  Lifeform: Perennial280 plants
Acanthus mollis Bear's breech Perennial herb 10
Agapanthus praecox African lily Perennial herb 2
Ageratina adenophora ! Thoroughwort Perennial herb  
Agrostis capillaris Colonial bentgrass Perennial grass 2
Agrostis castellana Bentgrass Perennial grass  
Agrostis gigantea Creeping bentgras Perennial grass 4
Agrostis semiverticillata Beardless rabbitsfoot grass Perennial grass  
Agrostis stolonifera ! Redtop Perennial grass 1
Agrostis viridis Bentgrass Perennial grass  
Ajuga reptans Common bugle Perennial herb 5
Alcea rosea Holly hock Perennial herb 8
Alisma lanceolatum Water plantain Perennial herb (aquatic)  
Allium neapolitanum White garlic Perennial herb (bulb)  
Allium porrum Garden leek Perennial herb (bulb)  
Allium triquetrum White flowered onion Perennial herb (bulb)  
Allium vineale Vineyard onion Perennial herb (bulb)  
Alopecurus pratensis ! Meadow foxtail Perennial grass 6
Amaryllis belladonna Naked lady Perennial herb 4
Ammophila arenaria ! European beachgrass Perennial grass 1
Anchusa azurea Blue alkanet Perennial herb 1
Aponogeton distachyon Cape pondweed Perennial herb  
Aponogeton distachyos Cape pondweed Perennial herb  
Arctium lappa Greater burdock Perennial herb 1
Arctium minus Common burdock Perennial herb  
Arrhenatherum elatius Tall oatgrass Perennial grass 2
Arum italicum Italian lords and ladies Perennial herb 1
Arundo donax ! Giant reed Perennial grass 3
Barbarea verna Wintercress Perennial herb  
Barbarea vulgaris Yellow rocket Perennial herb  
Bellis perennis English lawn daisy Perennial herb 3
Bromus inermis Smooth brome Perennial grass 3
Caltha palustris Yellow marsh marigold Perennial herb 2
Cardaria chalepensis Lens podded hoary cress Perennial herb  
Cardaria draba Heart podded hoary cress Perennial herb  
Cardaria pubescens White top Perennial herb  
Carpobrotus chilensis ! Sea fig Perennial herb  
Carpobrotus edulis ! Iceplant Perennial herb 1
Centaurea biebersteinii Spotted knapweed Perennial herb  
Centaurea diffusa ! Diffuse knapweed Perennial herb  
Centaurea maculosa Spotted knapweed Perennial herb  
Centaurea stoebe Spotted knapweed Perennial herb  
Centaurea stoebe ssp. micranthos ! Spotted knapweed Perennial herb  
Cerastium fontanum Common mouse ear chickweed Perennial herb  
Cerastium fontanum ssp. vulgare Common chickweed Perennial herb  
Chamaemelum nobile Russian chamomile Perennial herb 9
Chasmanthe floribunda ! Chasmanthe Perennial herb 1
Chondrilla juncea ! Skeleton weed Perennial herb  
Cichorium intybus Chicory Perennial herb 9
Cirsium arvense ! Canada thistle Perennial herb  
Cirsium vulgare ! Bullthistle Perennial herb  
Conium maculatum ! Poison hemlock Perennial herb  
Convolvulus arvensis Field bindweed Perennial herb, Vine  
Cortaderia jubata ! Andean pampas grass Perennial grass  
Cortaderia selloana ! Pampas grass Perennial grass 11
Cotula coronopifolia ! Brass buttons Perennial herb 2
Crocosmia Xcrocosmiiflora ! Monbretia Perennial herb  
Cynara cardunculus ! Cardoon Perennial herb 2
Cynodon dactylon ! Bermuda grass Perennial grass 4
Cynosurus cristatus Crested dogtail grass Perennial grass  
Cyperus involucratus Umbrella plant Perennial grass 4
Dactylis glomerata ! Orchardgrass Perennial grass 6
Daucus carota Carrot Perennial herb 2
Delairea odorata ! Cape ivy Perennial herb  
Digitalis purpurea ! Foxglove Perennial herb 14
Dipsacus fullonum ! Wild teasel Perennial herb  
Dracunculus vulgaris Common dracunculus Perennial herb 2
Drosanthemum floribundum Ice plant Perennial herb 3
Drosera aliciae Australian sundew Perennial herb 1
Drosera capensis Cape sundew Perennial herb 1
Drosera filiformis Threadleaf sundew Perennial herb (carnivorous) 1
Duchesnea indica Mock strawberry Perennial herb 2
Ehrharta calycina ! Perennial veldt grass Perennial grass  
Ehrharta erecta ! Upright veldt grass Perennial grass  
Eleocharis pachycarpa Broad fruit spikerush Perennial grass  
Elymus arizonicus Arizona ryegrass Perennial grass  
Elymus canadensis Canada wild rye Perennial grass 5
Elymus hispidus Intermediate wheatgrass Perennial grass 6
Elymus ponticus Tall wheat grass Perennial grass 4
Elymus repens Quack grass Perennial grass  
Elytrigia elongata Tall wheatgrass Perennial grass 2
Elytrigia intermedia Intermediate wheatgrass Perennial grass 4
Elytrigia intermedia ssp. barbulata Barbed intermediate wheatgrass Perennial grass 1
Elytrigia pontica Tall wheatgrass Perennial grass 1
Elytrigia pontica ssp. pontica Rush wheatgrass Perennial grass 1
Elytrigia repens Quack grass Perennial grass  
Epipactis helleborine Helleborine Perennial herb  
Erigeron karvinskianus Latin american fleabane Perennial herb 16
Eriophyllum lanatum var. leucophyllum Common woolly sunflower Perennial herb  
Euchiton gymnocephalus Creeping cudweed Perennial herb  
Euphorbia characias Albanian spurge Perennial herb 11
Euphorbia oblongata ! Eggleaf spurge Perennial herb  
Fallopia japonica ! Japanese knotweed Perennial herb 1
Fallopia sachalinensis ! Giant knotweed Perennial herb  
Festuca altaica Altai fescue Perennial grass 2
Festuca arundinacea ! Reed fescue Perennial grass 7
Festuca pratensis Meadow fescue Perennial grass 2
Foeniculum vulgare ! Fennel Perennial herb 4
Fumaria capreolata White ramping fumitory Perennial herb  
Galega officinalis ! Professor-weed Perennial herb  
Geranium core-core Alderney crane's-bill Perennial herb  
Geranium retrorsum New zealand geranium Perennial herb  
Glechoma hederacea Ground ivy Perennial herb 2
Glecoma hederacea Ground ivy Perennial herb  
Glyceria Xoccidentalis Western manna grass Perennial grass (aquatic) 2
Glyceria declinata ! Waxy mannagrass Perennial grass  
Heracleum sphondylium Eltrot Perennial herb 8
Hirschfeldia incana ! Mustard Perennial herb  
Holcus lanatus ! Common velvetgrass Perennial grass  
Humulus lupulus Common hop Perennial herb 5
Hyacinthus orientalis Garden hyacinth Perennial herb  
Hydrilla verticillata ! Hydrilla Perennial herb  
Hypericum perforatum ! Klamathweed Perennial herb 2
Hypericum perforatum ssp. perforatum Klamathweed Perennial herb  
Hypochaeris radicata ! Hairy cats ear Perennial herb  
Impatiens glandulifera Ornamental jewelweed Perennial herb 1
Iris germanica German iris Perennial herb 2
Iris pseudacorus ! Horticultural iris Perennial herb 5
Isolepis setacea Bristleleaf bulrush Perennial grass  
Juncus bulbosus Bulbous rush Perennial grass  
Kickxia elatine Sharp point fluellin Perennial herb  
Kickxia spuria Fluellin Perennial herb  
Kniphofia uvaria ! Redhot poker Perennial herb 15
Lactuca virosa Poison wild lettuce Perennial herb  
Lamiastrum galeobdolon Yellow archangel Perennial herb 4
Lampranthus aurantiacus Golden iceplant Perennial herb  
Lathyrus latifolius ! Sweet pea Perennial herb 3
Lathyrus pauciflorus Fewflower pea Perennial herb  
Lathyrus venosus Veiny pea Perennial herb 5
Leontodon taraxacoides Hawkbit Perennial herb  
Leontodon taraxacoides ssp. longirostris Short beaked hawkbit Perennial herb  
Leontodon taraxacoides ssp. taraxacoides Lesser hawkbit Perennial herb  
Lepidium appelianum ! Hairy whitetop Perennial herb  
Lepidium draba ! Whitetop Perennial herb  
Lepidium draba ssp. chalepense Lenspod whitetop Perennial herb  
Lepidium draba ssp. draba Whitetop Perennial herb  
Lepidium latifolium ! Perennial pepperweed Perennial herb  
Lesquerella kingii ssp. diversifolia King bladderpod Perennial herb  
Leucanthemum lacustre Portuguese daisy Perennial herb  
Leucanthemum vulgare ! Oxe eye daisy Perennial herb 6
Leucojum aestivum Summer snowflake Perennial herb 1
Linaria dalmatica ssp. dalmatica ! Dalmatian toadflax Perennial herb  
Linaria genistifolia Broomleaf toadflax Perennial herb  
Linaria genistifolia ssp. dalmatica Dalmatian toad flax Perennial herb  
Linaria vulgaris ! Butter and eggs Perennial herb  
Lobelia laxiflora Sierra madre lobelia Perennial herb 6
Lobularia maritima ! Sweet alyssum Perennial herb 8
Lolium perenne Perennial rye grass Perennial grass 5
Lotus corniculatus Bird's foot trefoil Perennial herb 8
Lotus tenuis Narrow-leaf bird's-foot trefoil Perennial herb  
Ludwigia hexapetala ! Six petal water primrose Perennial herb  
Ludwigia peploides ! Marsh purslane Perennial herb 1
Lychnis coronaria Rose campion Perennial herb 4
Lythrum salicaria ! Purple loosestrife Perennial herb 1
Malva sylvestris High mallow Perennial herb 1
Marrubium vulgare ! White horehound Perennial herb 4
Matthiola incana Stock Perennial herb 1
Medicago sativa Alfalfa Perennial herb 3
Melissa officinalis Lemon balm Perennial herb 6
Mentha Xpiperita Peppermint Perennial herb 1
Mentha aquatica Water mint Perennial herb 3
Mentha pulegium ! Pennyroyal Perennial herb 6
Mentha spicata Spearmint Perennial herb 7
Mentha spicata var. spicata Spearmint Perennial herb 7
Modiola caroliniana Carolina bristle mallow Perennial herb  
Muscari botryoides Common grape hyacinth Perennial herb  
Myosotis latifolia ! Wide leaved forget me not Perennial herb  
Myosotis scorpioides Forget me not Perennial herb 3
Myosotis sylvatica Woodland forget me not Perennial herb 4
Myriophyllum aquaticum ! Parrot's feather Perennial herb (aquatic) 1
Myriophyllum spicatum ! Water milfoil Perennial herb  
Narcissus pseudonarcissus Daffodil Perennial herb (bulb)  
Narcissus tazetta Cream narcissus Perennial herb (bulb)  
Nothoscordum inodorum Grace, false garlic Perennial herb  
Nymphaea alba European white waterlily Perennial herb (aquatic)  
Oenothera glazioviana Red sepaled evening primrose Perennial herb 5
Onopordum acanthium ! Scotch cottonthistle Perennial herb  
Oxalis articulata ssp. rubra Windowbox woodsorrel Perennial herb  
Oxalis corniculata Creeping wood sorrel Perennial herb  
Oxalis hirta Tropical woodsorrel Perennial herb 2
Oxalis incarnata Crimson woodsorrel Perennial herb  
Oxalis pes-caprae ! Bermuda buttercup Perennial herb  
Oxalis purpurea Purple oxalis Perennial herb  
Oxalis rubra Red oxalis Perennial herb  
Parietaria judaica Spreading pellitory Perennial herb  
Paspalum dilatatum Dallis grass Perennial grass  
Pelargonium capitatum Rose scented geranium Perennial herb, Shrub 2
Pelargonium vitifolium Grape leafed geranium Perennial herb  
Pennisetum clandestinum ! Kikuyu grass Perennial grass  
Pennisetum setaceum ! Fountaingrass Perennial grass 15
Pennisetum villosum ! Feathertop Perennial grass 6
Persicaria capitata Himalayan smartweed Perennial herb 1
Persicaria wallichii ! Himalayan knotweed Perennial herb  
Phalaris aquatica ! Harding grass Perennial grass 1
Phleum pratense Common timothy Perennial grass 4
Phyla caespitosa Perennial herb  
Physalis peruviana Peruvian groundcherry Perennial herb  
Piptatherum miliaceum Smilo grass Perennial grass  
Plantago lanceolata ! Ribwort Perennial herb  
Plantago major Common plantain Perennial herb 2
Poa bulbosa Bulbous blue grass Perennial grass  
Poa compressa Canada blue grass Perennial grass 6
Poa palustris Fowl bluegrass Perennial grass 3
Poa pratensis ! Kentucky blue grass Perennial grass 2
Poa pratensis ssp. angustifolia Narrow leaved kentucky blue grass Perennial grass  
Poa pratensis ssp. pratensis Kentucky blue grass Perennial grass  
Poa trivialis Rough blue grass Perennial grass 2
Polygonum capitatum Himalayan smartweed Perennial herb 1
Polygonum cuspidatum Japanese knotweed Perennial herb 1
Polygonum polystachyum Himalayan knotweed Perennial herb  
Polygonum sachalinense Sacaline Perennial herb  
Polypogon australis Chilean beard grass Perennial grass  
Polypogon elongatus Streambank rabbits foot grass Perennial grass  
Polypogon interruptus Ditch beard grass Perennial grass  
Polypogon viridis Water beard grass Perennial grass  
Potamogeton crispus ! Crispate leaved pondweed Perennial herb (aquatic)  
Potentilla anglica English cinquefoil Perennial herb  
Poterium sanguisorba Garden burnet Perennial herb 6
Prunella vulgaris var. parviflora Small flowered self heal Perennial herb 1
Prunella vulgaris var. vulgaris Self heal Perennial herb 1
Puccinellia distans European alkali grass Perennial grass 4
Ranunculus bulbosus Bulbous buttercup Perennial herb  
Ranunculus repens ! Crowfoot, creeping buttercup Perennial herb 2
Ranunculus sardous Hairy buttercup Perennial herb  
Reseda luteola Dyer's mignonette Perennial herb  
Romulea rosea ! Rosy sandcrocus Perennial herb  
Romulea rosea var. australis Rosy sand crocus Perennial herb  
Rudbeckia hirta Blackeyed susan Perennial herb 21
Rudbeckia hirta var. pulcherrima Black eyed susan Perennial herb  
Rumex acetosella ! Sheep sorrel Perennial herb 1
Rumex conglomeratus Green dock Perennial herb  
Rumex crispus ! Curly dock Perennial herb 4
Rumex obtusifolius Broadleaf dock Perennial herb  
Rumex pulcher Fiddleleaf dock Perennial herb  
Rytidosperma penicillatum ! Purple awned wallaby grass Perennial grass  
Sanguisorba minor Small burnet Perennial herb 6
Sanguisorba minor ssp. balearica Small burnet Perennial herb  
Sanguisorba minor ssp. muricata Garden burnet Perennial herb  
Sarracenia purpurea Purple sarracenia Perennial herb (stem succulent) 1
Saxifraga virginiensis Early saxifrage Perennial herb  
Schoenoplectus acutus var. acutus Hardstem bulrush Perennial grass  
Senecio jacobaea ! Tansy ragwort Perennial herb  
Senecio mikanioides German ivy Perennial herb  
Silene vulgaris Common campion Perennial herb 1
Solanum elaeagnifolium Horse nettle Perennial herb  
Solanum furcatum Forked nightshade Perennial herb, Shrub  
Sparaxis tricolor Harlequin flower Perennial herb 2
Stenotaphrum secundatum Saint augustine grass Perennial grass  
Stipa miliacea Smilo grass Perennial grass  
Stipa miliacea var. miliacea ! Smilo grass Perennial grass  
Symphytum Xuplandicum Russian comfrey Perennial herb  
Symphytum asperum Rough comfrey Perennial herb  
Symphytum officinale Comfrey Perennial herb 3
Tanacetum parthenium Feverfew Perennial herb 8
Tanacetum vulgare ! Tansy Perennial herb 5
Taraxacum erythrospermum Red-seeded dandelion Perennial herb  
Taraxacum officinale Red seeded dandelion Perennial herb 1
Thinopyrum intermedium Intermediate wheatgrass Perennial grass 1
Thinopyrum ponticum Tall wheatgrass Perennial grass 1
Tragopogon dubius Goat's beard Perennial herb  
Tragopogon porrifolius Salsify Perennial herb  
Tragopogon pratensis Meadow salsify Perennial herb  
Trifolium fragiferum Strawberry clover Perennial herb 6
Trifolium hybridum Alsike clover Perennial herb 4
Trifolium pratense Red clover Perennial herb 7
Trifolium repens White clover Perennial herb 9
Trillium sessile Toadshade Perennial herb 7
Typha angustifolia Narrow leaf cattail Perennial herb (aquatic)  
Verbascum blattaria Moth mullein Perennial herb 1
Verbascum thapsus ! Woolly mullein Perennial herb 3
Verbascum virgatum Wand mullein Perennial herb  
Veronica alpina Alpine speedwell Perennial herb  
Veronica anagallis-aquatica Water speedwell Perennial herb  
Veronica serpyllifolia ssp. serpyllifolia Thyme leaf speedwell Perennial herb  
Vicia cracca Bird vetch Perennial herb, Vine  
Vinca major ! Vinca Perennial herb 4
Viola canina Dog violet Perennial herb  
Viola odorata English violet Perennial herb 5
Watsonia bulbillifera Bulbil bugle lily Perennial herb  
Watsonia meriana ! Bulbil bugle lily Perennial herb  
Zantedeschia aethiopica ! Callalily Perennial herb 6
  Lifeform: Fern1 plant
Adiantum pedatum Northern maidenhair Fern 9
  Lifeform: Shrub68 plants
Acacia dealbata ! Silver wattle Tree, Shrub 1
Acacia verticillata Star acacia Tree, Shrub 2
Acaena novae-zelandiae ! Biddy biddy Shrub (stem succulent)  
Aeonium haworthii Haworth's aeonium Shrub 4
Albizia julibrissin Silktree Tree, Shrub 9
Artemisia absinthium Absinthium Shrub 9
Berberis darwinii ! Darwin's berberis Shrub 5
Buddleja davidii ! Butterfly bush Tree, Shrub 6
Callistemon citrinus Crimson bottlebrush Tree, Shrub 12
Cercis canadensis Eastern redbud Tree, Shrub 67
Cestrum fasciculatum Early flowering jassamine Shrub 5
Cotoneaster franchetii ! Cotoneaster Shrub  
Cotoneaster integrifolius Entire-leaved cotoneaster Shrub 3
Cotoneaster lacteus ! Milkflower cotoneaster Shrub 2
Cotoneaster microphyllus Shrub 3
Cotoneaster pannosus ! Woolly cotoneaster Shrub  
Cotoneaster simonsii Simons' cotoneaster Shrub  
Crataegus monogyna ! Hawthorn Shrub 2
Cytisus scoparius ! Scotch broom Shrub 1
Echium candicans ! Pride of madeira Shrub 14
Echium pininana Pine echium Shrub  
Echium vulgare Common viper's bugloss Shrub 2
Erica lusitanica ! Spanish heather Shrub  
Fuchsia hybrida Hybrid fuchsia Shrub  
Fuchsia magellanica Hardy fuchsia Shrub 7
Genista monosperma ! Bridal broom Shrub 1
Genista monspessulana ! French broom Shrub  
Hedera helix ! English ivy Vine, Shrub 6
Helichrysum petiolare ! Licorice plant Shrub, Vine 5
Holodiscus dumosus Rockspirea Shrub 40
Hypericum calycinum Aaron's beard Shrub 7
Hypericum canariense ! Canary island st john's wort Shrub  
Hypericum hookerianum Hooker's st john's wort Shrub  
Ilex aquifolium ! Holly Tree, Shrub 3
Lavandula stoechas French lavender Shrub 14
Lavatera arborea Tree mallow Shrub  
Ligustrum lucidum ! Glossy privet Tree, Shrub 3
Ligustrum ovalifolium California privet Tree, Shrub 1
Lonicera japonica Japanese honeysuckle Vine, Shrub 7
Lonicera tatarica Tatarian honeysuckle Shrub 6
Maclura pomifera Osage orange Tree, Shrub 3
Malva arborea Tree mallow Shrub  
Malva pseudolavatera Cretan mallow Shrub  
Melianthus major Honey flower Shrub 6
Myoporum laetum ! Ngaio tree Tree, Shrub 2
Parthenocissus inserta Woodbine Vine, Shrub 10
Parthenocissus quinquefolia Virginia creeper Vine, Shrub 10
Phoradendron tomentosum Christmas mistletoe Shrub (parasitic)  
Pittosporum undulatum ! Victorian box Tree, Shrub 4
Pyracantha angustifolia ! Firethorn Shrub 2
Pyracantha koidzumii Taiwan firethorn Shrub 3
Rosa canina Dog rose Shrub  
Rosa rubiginosa Sweet brier Shrub 3
Rosmarinus officinalis Rosemary Shrub 28
Rubus armeniacus ! Himalayan blackberry Shrub  
Rubus discolor Blackberry Shrub  
Rubus laciniatus Cut leaved blackberry Shrub  
Rubus ulmifolius Elmleaf blackberry Vine, Shrub  
Salvia microphylla Baby sage Shrub 20
Senecio lugens Small blacktip ragwort Shrub  
Sesbania punicea ! Rattlebox Shrub 1
Solanum aviculare ! New zealand nightshade Shrub 1
Solanum physalifolium Hoe nightshade Shrub  
Solanum villosum Hairy nightshade Shrub  
Spartium junceum ! Spanish broom Shrub 2
Tamarix parviflora Tamarisk Tree, Shrub  
Tamarix ramosissima ! Tamarisk Tree, Shrub  
Ulex europaeus ! Gorse Shrub  
  Lifeform: Tree28 plants
  Lifeform: Vine6 plants
Pink background indicates a plant is non-native.
! indicates a plant is potentially invasive.
NB: found in Mendocino County is intended to indicate only plants found growing in the wild. However, the evidence is not always clear, and may occasionally include plants found in cultivation. To verify the wild presence of any particular plant in the list above, please click through to Calflora and look closely at the observations in this county.