California Native Plant Link Exchange
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Criteria:   found in Mendocino County  •   is not native  •  group by lifeform
741  records include photos for these plants # number of sources
Scientific Name Common Name Lifeform #
  Lifeform: Annual355 plants
  Lifeform: Biennial2 plants
  Lifeform: Perennial280 plants
  Lifeform: Fern1 plant
Adiantum pedatum Northern maidenhair Fern 9
  Lifeform: Shrub68 plants
Acacia dealbata ! Silver wattle Tree, Shrub 1
Acacia verticillata Star acacia Tree, Shrub 2
Acaena novae-zelandiae ! Biddy biddy Shrub (stem succulent)  
Aeonium haworthii Haworth's aeonium Shrub 4
Albizia julibrissin Silktree Tree, Shrub 9
Artemisia absinthium Absinthium Shrub 9
Berberis darwinii ! Darwin's berberis Shrub 5
Buddleja davidii ! Butterfly bush Tree, Shrub 6
Callistemon citrinus Crimson bottlebrush Tree, Shrub 12
Cercis canadensis Eastern redbud Tree, Shrub 67
Cestrum fasciculatum Early flowering jassamine Shrub 5
Cotoneaster franchetii ! Cotoneaster Shrub  
Cotoneaster integrifolius Entire-leaved cotoneaster Shrub 3
Cotoneaster lacteus ! Milkflower cotoneaster Shrub 2
Cotoneaster microphyllus Shrub 3
Cotoneaster pannosus ! Woolly cotoneaster Shrub  
Cotoneaster simonsii Simons' cotoneaster Shrub  
Crataegus monogyna ! Hawthorn Shrub 2
Cytisus scoparius ! Scotch broom Shrub 1
Echium candicans ! Pride of madeira Shrub 14
Echium pininana Pine echium Shrub  
Echium vulgare Common viper's bugloss Shrub 2
Erica lusitanica ! Spanish heather Shrub  
Fuchsia hybrida Hybrid fuchsia Shrub  
Fuchsia magellanica Hardy fuchsia Shrub 7
Genista monosperma ! Bridal broom Shrub 1
Genista monspessulana ! French broom Shrub  
Hedera helix ! English ivy Vine, Shrub 6
Helichrysum petiolare ! Licorice plant Shrub, Vine 5
Holodiscus dumosus Rockspirea Shrub 40
Hypericum calycinum Aaron's beard Shrub 7
Hypericum canariense ! Canary island st john's wort Shrub  
Hypericum hookerianum Hooker's st john's wort Shrub  
Ilex aquifolium ! Holly Tree, Shrub 3
Lavandula stoechas French lavender Shrub 14
Lavatera arborea Tree mallow Shrub  
Ligustrum lucidum ! Glossy privet Tree, Shrub 3
Ligustrum ovalifolium California privet Tree, Shrub 1
Lonicera japonica Japanese honeysuckle Vine, Shrub 7
Lonicera tatarica Tatarian honeysuckle Shrub 6
Maclura pomifera Osage orange Tree, Shrub 3
Malva arborea Tree mallow Shrub  
Malva pseudolavatera Cretan mallow Shrub  
Melianthus major Honey flower Shrub 6
Myoporum laetum ! Ngaio tree Tree, Shrub 2
Parthenocissus inserta Woodbine Vine, Shrub 10
Parthenocissus quinquefolia Virginia creeper Vine, Shrub 10
Phoradendron tomentosum Christmas mistletoe Shrub (parasitic)  
Pittosporum undulatum ! Victorian box Tree, Shrub 4
Pyracantha angustifolia ! Firethorn Shrub 2
Pyracantha koidzumii Taiwan firethorn Shrub 3
Rosa canina Dog rose Shrub  
Rosa rubiginosa Sweet brier Shrub 3
Rosmarinus officinalis Rosemary Shrub 28
Rubus armeniacus ! Himalayan blackberry Shrub  
Rubus discolor Blackberry Shrub  
Rubus laciniatus Cut leaved blackberry Shrub  
Rubus ulmifolius Elmleaf blackberry Vine, Shrub  
Salvia microphylla Baby sage Shrub 20
Senecio lugens Small blacktip ragwort Shrub  
Sesbania punicea ! Rattlebox Shrub 1
Solanum aviculare ! New zealand nightshade Shrub 1
Solanum physalifolium Hoe nightshade Shrub  
Solanum villosum Hairy nightshade Shrub  
Spartium junceum ! Spanish broom Shrub 2
Tamarix parviflora Tamarisk Tree, Shrub  
Tamarix ramosissima ! Tamarisk Tree, Shrub  
Ulex europaeus ! Gorse Shrub  
  Lifeform: Tree28 plants
Acacia melanoxylon ! Blackwood acacia Tree 5
Ailanthus altissima ! Tree of heaven Tree 2
Catalpa speciosa Northern catalpa Tree 4
Cedrus deodara Deodar cedar Tree 9
Cestrum elegans Purple cestrum Tree 5
Cordyline australis Cabbage tree Tree 11
Eriobotrya japonica Loquat Tree 4
Eucalyptus globulus ! Blue gum Tree 4
Eucalyptus polyanthemos Silver dollar gum Tree 3
Eucalyptus tereticornis Forest red gum Tree  
Ficus carica ! Common fig Tree 1
Juglans regia English walnut Tree 1
Laburnum anagyroides Golden chain tree Tree 1
Malus pumila Paradise apple Tree 2
Malus sylvestris Apple Tree  
Nerium oleander Oleander Tree 8
Platanus Xhybrida London planetree Tree  
Populus alba White poplar Tree 2
Populus deltoides Eastern cottonwood Tree 3
Populus nigra Lombardy poplar Tree 5
Populus nigra var. italica Lombardy poplar Tree 5
Prunus avium Sweet cherry Tree 1
Prunus cerasifera ! Cherry plum Tree 8
Prunus persica Peach Tree 4
Pyrus communis Common pear Tree 1
Robinia pseudoacacia ! Black locust Tree 6
Salix babylonica Weeping willow Tree 6
Salix nigra Black willow Tree 7
  Lifeform: Vine6 plants
Pink background indicates a plant is non-native.
! indicates a plant is potentially invasive.
NB: found in Mendocino County is intended to indicate only plants found growing in the wild. However, the evidence is not always clear, and may occasionally include plants found in cultivation. To verify the wild presence of any particular plant in the list above, please click through to Calflora and look closely at the observations in this county.