California Native Plant Link Exchange
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Criteria:   found in Placer County  •   is not native  •  group by lifeform
560  records include photos for these plants # number of sources
Scientific Name Common Name Lifeform #
  Lifeform: Annual289 plants
Aegilops neglecta Three-awned goat grass Annual grass  
Aegilops triuncialis ! Goatgrass Annual grass  
Agrostemma githago Common corncockle Annual, Perennial herb 1
Agrostis hyemalis Winter bentgrass Annual grass 4
Aira caryophyllea Silvery hairgrass Annual grass  
Amaranthus albus Tumbleweed Annual herb  
Amaranthus hybridus Slim amaranth Annual herb  
Ambrosia artemisiifolia Annual ragweed Annual herb  
Anagallis arvensis Scarlet pimpernel Annual herb 3
Anoda cristata Violettas Annual herb  
Anthemis cotula Dog fennel Annual herb  
Anthoxanthum odoratum ! Sweet vernal grass Annual, Perennial grass 3
Anthriscus caucalis Bur chevril Annual herb, Vine  
Apium graveolens Celery Annual, Biennial herb 1
Arabidopsis thaliana Arabidopsis Annual herb  
Arenaria serpyllifolia Thymeleaf sandwort Annual herb  
Arenaria serpyllifolia ssp. serpyllifolia Thyme leaf sandwort Annual herb  
Arenaria serpyllifolia var. serpyllifolia Thymeleaf sandwort Annual herb  
Atriplex heterosperma Two scale saltbush Annual herb  
Atriplex micrantha Twoscale saltbush Annual herb  
Avena barbata ! Slim oat Annual grass  
Avena fatua ! Wildoats Annual grass 2
Avena sativa Wild oat Annual, Perennial grass 7
Bellardia trixago ! Mediterranean lineseed Annual herb  
Berteroa incana ! Hoary alyssum Annual herb  
Bidens tripartita Tickseed Annual herb  
Brachypodium distachyon ! Purple false brome Annual, Perennial grass  
Brassica nigra ! Black mustard Annual herb  
Brassica rapa ! Common mustard Annual herb  
Briza maxima ! Rattlesnake grass Annual grass 3
Briza minor Little rattlesnake grass Annual grass  
Bromus arenarius Australian chess Annual grass  
Bromus arvensis Soft brome Annual grass  
Bromus catharticus Rescue grass Annual, Perennial grass  
Bromus commutatus Hairy chess, meadow brome Annual grass  
Bromus diandrus ! Ripgut brome Annual grass  
Bromus hordeaceus ! Soft chess Annual grass 4
Bromus hordeaceus ssp. hordeaceus Soft brome Annual grass 1
Bromus japonicus ! Hairy chess Annual grass  
Bromus madritensis Foxtail chess, foxtail brome Annual grass  
Bromus madritensis ssp. rubens ! Foxtail brome Annual grass 2
Bromus racemosus Smooth brome Annual grass  
Bromus rubens ! Red brome Annual grass 2
Bromus secalinus Rye brome Annual grass  
Bromus sterilis Sterile brome Annual grass  
Bromus tectorum ! Downy chess Annual grass  
Capsella bursa-pastoris Shepherd's purse Annual herb 1
Cardamine hirsuta Hairy bitter cress Annual herb  
Carduus pycnocephalus ! Italian thistle Annual herb  
Carduus tenuiflorus ! Slender flowered thistle Annual herb  
Carthamus tinctorius Safflower Annual herb 1
Centaurea calcitrapa ! Purple star thistle Annual, Perennial herb  
Centaurea cyanus Bachelor's button Annual herb 7
Centaurea melitensis ! Tocalote Annual herb  
Centaurea solstitialis ! Yellow starthistle Annual herb  
Centaurium tenuiflorum Slender centaury Annual herb 1
Cerastium glomeratum Large mouse ears Annual herb  
Chamaesyce maculata Spotted spurge Annual herb  
Chamaesyce nutans Large spurge Annual herb  
Chenopodium album Lambs quarters Annual herb  
Chenopodium ambrosioides Mexican tea Annual, Perennial herb 3
Chenopodium ambrosioides var. suffruticosum Wormseed Annual, Perennial herb  
Chenopodium botrys Jerusalem oak goosefoot Annual herb  
Chenopodium pumilio Tasmanian goosefoot Annual herb  
Ciclospermum leptophyllum Marsh parsley Annual herb  
Conyza bonariensis South american horseweed Annual herb  
Crassula tillaea Mediterranean pygmy weed Annual herb 1
Crepis capillaris Smooth hawksbeard Annual, Perennial herb  
Crucianella angustifolia Narrow leafed crucianella Annual herb  
Crypsis alopecuroides Foxtail prickle grass Annual grass  
Crypsis schoenoides Swamp grass Annual grass  
Cyclospermum leptophyllum Marsh parsley Annual herb  
Cynosurus echinatus ! Dogtail grass Annual grass  
Datura stramonium Jimson weed Annual herb 2
Descurainia sophia ! Herb sophia Annual herb  
Dianthus armeria Deptford pink Annual, Biennial herb  
Dianthus armeria ssp. armeria Grass pink Annual, Biennial herb  
Digitaria ischaemum Smooth crabgrass Annual grass  
Digitaria sanguinalis Crabgrass Annual grass  
Dittrichia graveolens ! Stinkwort Annual herb  
Draba nemorosa Woodland draba Annual herb  
Draba verna Whitlow grass Annual herb  
Dysphania ambrosioides Mexican tea Annual, Perennial herb 3
Dysphania botrys Jerusalem oak goosefoot Annual herb  
Dysphania chilensis Annual herb  
Dysphania pumilio Tasmanian goosefoot Annual herb  
Echinochloa colona Jungle rice Annual grass  
Echinochloa crus-galli Barnyard grass Annual grass  
Elymus caput-medusae ! Medusa head Annual grass  
Eragrostis pilosa Indian lovegrass Annual grass  
Eragrostis pilosa var. pilosa Indian lovegrass Annual grass  
Erigeron bonariensis Flax-leaved horseweed Annual herb  
Erodium botrys Big heron bill Annual herb  
Erodium brachycarpum White stemmed filaree Annual herb  
Erodium cicutarium ! Coastal heron's bill Annual herb 4
Erodium moschatum Whitestem filaree Annual herb  
Euphorbia maculata Spotted spurge Annual herb  
Euphorbia marginata Snow on the mountain Annual herb  
Euphorbia nutans Eyebane spurge Annual herb  
Fallopia convolvulus Black bindweed Annual herb  
Festuca bromoides Brome fescue Annual grass  
Festuca myuros ! Rattail sixweeks grass Annual grass 4
Festuca perennis ! Italian rye grass Annual, Perennial grass 7
Festuca temulenta Darnel, tares Annual grass  
Filago gallica Narrow leaved filago Annual herb  
Fumaria parviflora Fine leaved fumitory Annual herb  
Gaillardia pulchella Firewheel indian blanket Annual herb 8
Galium murale Tiny bedstraw Annual herb  
Galium parisiense Wall bedstraw Annual herb  
Galium spurium Sticky willy Annual herb  
Gastridium phleoides Nit grass Annual grass  
Geranium dissectum ! Wild geranium Annual herb  
Geranium molle Crane's bill geranium Annual, Perennial herb  
Geranium pusillum Small flowered geranium Annual herb  
Geranium robertianum Robert's geranium Annual herb 1
Glinus lotoides Lotus sweetjuice Annual herb  
Gnaphalium luteo-album Common cudweed Annual herb  
Gnaphalium luteoalbum Jersey cudweed Annual herb  
Gypsophila elegans Showy baby's breath Annual, Biennial herb 7
Gypsophila elegans var. elegans Baby's breath Annual, Biennial herb 7
Heliotropium europaeum European heliotrope Annual herb  
Helminthotheca echioides ! Bristly ox-tongue Annual, Perennial herb  
Herniaria hirsuta Herniaria Annual herb  
Herniaria hirsuta ssp. cinerea Grey herniaria Annual herb  
Herniaria hirsuta ssp. hirsuta Herniaria Annual herb  
Herniaria hirsuta var. cinerea Herniaria Annual herb  
Herniaria hirsuta var. hirsuta Herniaria Annual herb  
Heteranthera rotundifolia Roundleaf mudplantain Annual herb  
Hordeum marinum Seaside barley Annual grass  
Hordeum marinum ssp. gussoneanum ! Barley Annual grass  
Hordeum murinum ! Foxtail barley Annual grass  
Hordeum murinum ssp. glaucum Foxtail Annual grass  
Hordeum murinum ssp. leporinum Farmer's foxtail Annual grass  
Hordeum vulgare Common barley Annual grass 5
Hypochaeris glabra ! Smooth cats ear Annual herb  
Juncus capitatus Leafy bracted dwarf rush Annual grass  
Kochia scoparia ! Summer cypress Annual herb  
Koeleria gerardi Annual june grass, bristly koeleria Annual grass  
Koeleria phleoides Bristly koeler's grass Annual grass  
Lactuca serriola Prickly lettuce Annual herb  
Lamium amplexicaule Henbit Annual herb  
Lamium purpureum Purple dead nettle Annual herb  
Lapsana communis Common nipplewort Annual herb  
Leontodon saxatilis Hawkbit Annual herb  
Leontodon saxatilis ssp. longirostris Hawkbit Annual herb  
Leontodon saxatilis ssp. saxatilis Annual herb  
Lepidium campestre Field pepper grass Annual, Perennial herb  
Lepidium chalepense ! Lens-podded hoary cress Annual, Perennial herb  
Lepidium perfoliatum Klamath pepper grass Annual herb  
Lepidium virginicum var. virginicum Wild pepper grass Annual herb  
Linum bienne Flax Annual herb  
Linum grandiflorum Flowering flax Annual herb 8
Linum usitatissimum Common flax Annual herb 2
Logfia gallica Narrowleaf cottonrose Annual herb  
Lolium multiflorum Italian rye grass Annual, Biennial grass 6
Lolium temulentum Darnel Annual grass  
Lunaria annua Annual moonwort Annual, Perennial herb 1
Lysimachia arvensis Scarlet pimpernel Annual herb 5
Lythrum hyssopifolia ! Hyssop loosestrife Annual, Perennial herb  
Lythrum hyssopifolium Hyssop loosestrife Annual, Perennial herb  
Lythrum portula Broad leaved loosestrife Annual herb  
Malva neglecta Dwarf mallow Annual, Perennial herb  
Malva nicaeensis Bull mallow Annual herb  
Malva parviflora Cheeseweed Annual herb  
Medicago arabica Spotted burclover Annual herb  
Medicago lupulina Black medick Annual, Perennial herb  
Medicago minima Small bur clover Annual herb  
Medicago orbicularis Round leafed medick Annual herb  
Medicago polymorpha ! California burclover Annual herb  
Melilotus alba Sweetclover Annual, Biennial herb 2
Melilotus albus White sweetclover Annual, Biennial herb 2
Melilotus indicus Annual yellow sweetclover Annual herb  
Melilotus officinalis Yellow sweetclover Annual, Biennial herb 2
Mollugo verticillata Indian chickweed Annual herb  
Monarda citriodora Lemon beebalm Annual, Biennial, Perennial herb 7
Myosotis discolor Forget me not Annual herb  
Nicotiana acuminata Manyflower tobacco Annual herb  
Nicotiana acuminata var. multiflora Many flowered tobacco Annual herb  
Oryza sativa Domestic rice Annual grass  
Panicum capillare ssp. hillmanii Hillman's panicgrass Annual grass  
Panicum dichotomiflorum Smooth witchgrass Annual grass  
Panicum dichotomiflorum ssp. dichotomiflorum Fall panic grass Annual grass  
Panicum hillmanii Hillman's panicgrass Annual grass  
Panicum miliaceum Broom corn millet Annual grass  
Panicum miliaceum ssp. miliaceum Broomcorn millet Annual grass  
Parentucellia viscosa ! Yellow parentucellia Annual herb  
Peritoma serrulata Rocky mountain bee plant Annual herb 8
Persicaria hydropiper Common smartweed Annual herb  
Persicaria maculosa Spotted ladysthumb Annual herb  
Petrorhagia dubia Windmill pink Annual herb  
Petrorhagia prolifera Pink grass Annual herb  
Phalaris canariensis Canarygrass Annual grass  
Phalaris minor Mediterranean canarygrass Annual grass  
Phalaris paradoxa Hood canarygrass Annual grass  
Physalis lanceifolia Narrow leaf tomatillo Annual herb  
Physalis lancifolia Narrow leaf tomatillo Annual herb  
Physalis philadelphica Tomatillo Annual herb  
Picris echioides Bristly ox tongue Annual, Perennial herb  
Plantago coronopus Cut leaf plantain Annual herb  
Plantago hookeriana California plantain Annual herb 6
Poa annua Annual blue grass Annual grass  
Polygonum arenastrum Common knotweed Annual, Perennial herb  
Polygonum argyrocoleon Silver sheath knotweed Annual herb  
Polygonum aviculare Prostrate knotweed Annual, Perennial herb  
Polygonum aviculare ssp. depressum Prostrate knotweed Annual, Perennial herb  
Polygonum buxiforme Box knotweed Annual, Perennial herb  
Polygonum convolvulus Black bindweed Annual herb  
Polygonum hydropiper Common smartweed Annual herb  
Polygonum patulum Bellard's smartweed Annual herb  
Polygonum persicaria Lady's thumb Annual herb  
Polygonum prolificum Bushy knotweed Annual herb  
Polygonum ramosissimum Yellow knotweed Annual herb  
Polygonum ramosissimum ssp. prolificum Bushy knotweed Annual herb  
Polypogon maritimus Mediterranean beard grass Annual grass  
Polypogon monspeliensis ! Annual beard grass Annual grass 2
Portulaca oleracea Common purslane Annual herb 1
Potentilla norvegica Norwegian cinquefoil Annual, Perennial herb  
Proboscidea lutea Yellow devil's claw Annual herb 1
Pseudognaphalium luteoalbum Jersey cudweed Annual herb  
Ranunculus muricatus Buttercup Annual, Perennial herb  
Raphanus raphanistrum Jointed charlock Annual, Perennial herb  
Raphanus sativus ! Jointed charlock Annual, Biennial herb  
Rostraria cristata Mediterranean hairgrass Annual grass  
Salsola gobicola Barbwire russian thistle Annual, Perennial herb  
Salsola ryanii ! Annual herb  
Salsola tragus ! Russian thistle Annual herb  
Scandix pecten-veneris Shepherd's needle Annual herb, Vine  
Scleranthus annuus German knotgrass Annual herb  
Scleranthus annuus ssp. annuus German knotgrass Annual herb  
Secale cereale Rye Annual grass 3
Senecio vulgaris Common groundsel Annual herb  
Setaria faberi Foxtail Annual grass  
Setaria pumila Yellow bristlegrass Annual grass  
Setaria pumila ssp. pumila Yellow foxtail Annual grass  
Setaria viridis Green foxtail Annual grass  
Setaria viridis var. major Green bristlegrass Annual grass  
Sherardia arvensis Field madder Annual herb  
Silene gallica Common catchfly Annual herb  
Silybum marianum ! Milk thistle Annual, Perennial herb 1
Sinapis arvensis ! Charlock Annual herb  
Sisymbrium altissimum Tumble mustard Annual herb  
Sisymbrium irio ! London rocket Annual herb  
Sisymbrium officinale Hedge mustard Annual herb  
Solanum nigrum Black nightshade Annual herb  
Solanum rostratum Buffalo berry Annual herb  
Soliva sessilis South american soliva Annual herb  
Sonchus asper Spiny sowthistle Annual herb  
Sonchus asper ssp. asper Sow thistle Annual herb  
Sonchus oleraceus Sow thistle Annual herb  
Spergula arvensis Corn spurry Annual herb  
Spergula arvensis ssp. arvensis Starwort Annual herb  
Spergularia rubra Purple sand spurry Annual, Perennial herb  
Stellaria media Chickweed Annual herb 1
Taeniatherum caput-medusae Medusa head Annual grass  
Thlaspi arvense Fan weed Annual herb  
Torilis arvensis ! Field hedge parsley Annual herb  
Torilis nodosa Wild parsley Annual herb  
Tribulus terrestris ! Puncture vine Annual herb  
Trifolium aureum Hop clover Annual herb  
Trifolium campestre Hop clover Annual herb  
Trifolium dubium Shamrock Annual herb  
Trifolium gemellum Spanish clover Annual herb  
Trifolium glomeratum Clustered clover Annual herb  
Trifolium hirtum ! Rose clover Annual herb 6
Trifolium incarnatum Crimson clover Annual herb 4
Trifolium retusum Teasel clover Annual herb  
Trifolium striatum Knotted clover Annual herb  
Trifolium subterraneum Subterranean clover Annual herb  
Trifolium tomentosum Woolly clover Annual herb  
Triticum aestivum Common wheat Annual grass 5
Urtica urens Annual stinging nettle Annual herb  
Velezia rigida Velezia Annual herb  
Verbena bonariensis ! Purple top vervain Annual, Biennial herb 13
Veronica arvensis Speedwell Annual herb  
Veronica persica Bird's eye speedwell Annual herb  
Vicia benghalensis Purple vetch Annual herb, Vine 3
Vicia hirsuta Hairy vetch Annual herb, Vine  
Vicia sativa Spring vetch Annual herb, Vine  
Vicia sativa ssp. nigra Smaller common vetch Annual herb, Vine  
Vicia sativa ssp. sativa Common vetch Annual herb, Vine  
Vicia tetrasperma Four seeded vetch Annual herb  
Vicia villosa Hairy vetch Annual herb, Vine 3
Vicia villosa ssp. varia Smooth vetch Annual herb, Vine 5
Vicia villosa ssp. villosa Hairy vetch Annual herb, Vine  
Vulpia bromoides Six weeks fescue Annual grass  
Vulpia myuros Rattail fescue Annual grass 3
Vulpia myuros var. hirsuta Fox tail fescue Annual grass 3
Vulpia myuros var. myuros Six weeks fescue Annual grass 2
Xanthium spinosum Spiny cocklebur Annual herb  
  Lifeform: Biennial3 plants
  Lifeform: Perennial214 plants
  Lifeform: Fern1 plant
  Lifeform: Shrub30 plants
Acaena novae-zelandiae ! Biddy biddy Shrub (stem succulent)  
Albizia julibrissin Silktree Tree, Shrub 9
Cercis canadensis Eastern redbud Tree, Shrub 67
Coronilla varia Purple crownvetch Shrub 4
Crataegus monogyna ! Hawthorn Shrub 2
Cytisus scoparius ! Scotch broom Shrub 1
Elaeagnus angustifolia ! Russian olive Tree, Shrub 2
Fuchsia hybrida Hybrid fuchsia Shrub  
Genista monspessulana ! French broom Shrub  
Hedera helix ! English ivy Vine, Shrub 6
Holodiscus dumosus Rockspirea Shrub 40
Ilex cornuta Chinese holly Tree, Shrub 3
Kolkwitzia amabilis Beautybush Shrub 3
Ligustrum lucidum ! Glossy privet Tree, Shrub 3
Nicotiana glauca ! Tree tobacco Tree, Shrub 2
Pseudosasa japonica Arrow bamboo Shrub 2
Pyracantha angustifolia ! Firethorn Shrub 2
Quercus suber Cork oak Tree, Shrub 12
Rosa canina Dog rose Shrub  
Rubus armeniacus ! Himalayan blackberry Shrub  
Rubus discolor Blackberry Shrub  
Rubus laciniatus Cut leaved blackberry Shrub  
Scutellaria angustifolia Narrowleaf skullcap Shrub 5
Senecio lugens Small blacktip ragwort Shrub  
Sesbania punicea ! Rattlebox Shrub 1
Solanum aviculare ! New zealand nightshade Shrub 1
Spartium junceum ! Spanish broom Shrub 2
Tamarix ramosissima ! Tamarisk Tree, Shrub  
Ulex europaeus ! Gorse Shrub  
Vitis vinifera Cultivated grape Vine, Shrub 5
  Lifeform: Tree21 plants
Ailanthus altissima ! Tree of heaven Tree 2
Catalpa bignonioides Southern catalpa Tree 1
Eucalyptus rudis Western australian floodedgum Tree 1
Ficus carica ! Common fig Tree 1
Malus pumila Paradise apple Tree 2
Malus sylvestris Apple Tree  
Nerium oleander Oleander Tree 8
Picea abies Norway spruce Tree 6
Pistacia atlantica Pistachio Tree  
Pistacia chinensis Chinese pistachio Tree 11
Populus deltoides Eastern cottonwood Tree 3
Prunus cerasifera ! Cherry plum Tree 8
Prunus domestica European plum Tree  
Prunus dulcis Almond Tree  
Prunus persica Peach Tree 4
Pyrus communis Common pear Tree 1
Robinia pseudoacacia ! Black locust Tree 6
Salix nigra Black willow Tree 7
Sapium sebiferum Chinese tallow Tree 6
Triadica sebifera ! Chinese tallowtree Tree 6
Ulmus minor English elm Tree 1
  Lifeform: Vine2 plants
Lathyrus angulatus Angled pea vine Vine  
Passiflora tarminiana ! Vine  
Pink background indicates a plant is non-native.
! indicates a plant is potentially invasive.
NB: found in Placer County is intended to indicate only plants found growing in the wild. However, the evidence is not always clear, and may occasionally include plants found in cultivation. To verify the wild presence of any particular plant in the list above, please click through to Calflora and look closely at the observations in this county.